Pre-care & Post-care Instructions

Pre care
Everything you need to know to prepare for your appointment.
-No alcohol or coffee 48 hours before your appointment. This will affect your colour retention.
-No aspirin, ibuprofen or fish oil, vitamin E or any type of blood thinners. 48 hours before.
-No working out on the day of your appointment, this includes yoga and swimming.
-No tanning or heavy sun exposure 2 weeks following your appointment.
-Any skin treatments, including microdermabrasion, facial peels, chemical peels must be done no sooner than 2 weeks following.
-Please note that booking during your menstrual cycle will make a significant difference to your pain tolerance even with numbing products.
Post care
To avoid infection and ensure the best possible result, it is important to follow these aftercare instructions.
-Wash your brows once a day with a mild, hypoallergenic soap. 
-Please do not use any creams or soaps on your brows, unless it is provided to you.
-Do not wet brows, drench, or put under direct shower pressure.
-No working out for a minimum of 10 days-2 weeks. No sweating, as our sweat contains salt and will draw out pigment.
-No direct sun exposure, tanning, swimming, saunas or hot tubs.
-Do not pick, peel, scratch or sleep on the face.


Lip Blush Pre/Post Care
No alcohol or coffee 48 hours before your appointment.
No aspirin, ibuprofen or fish oil, vitamin E or any type of blood thinners. 48 hours before. (Excessive bleeding during during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment implantation and could effect retention. It could also lead to poor or delayed healing.)
No working out on the day of your appointment, this includes yoga and swimming.
No tanning or heavy sun exposure 2 weeks following your appointment.
Any skin treatments, including microdermabrasion, facial peels, and chemical peels must be done no sooner than 2 weeks following.
Please note that booking during your menstrual cycle will make a significant difference to your pain tolerance even with numbing products.
Lightly exfoliate and moisturize lips every day for one week leading up to your appointment to ensure your lips are hydrated. (Your lips cannot be dry)
No lip fillers 3 weeks prior to your appointment and 3 weeks following your appointment. 
If you are prone to cold sores or have ever had a cold sore please call your doctor and have them prescribe you with an anti viral medication (such as Valtrex) to prevent an outbreak. 

Washing Instructions
Disinfect your hands before touching your brows. Moisten cotton pads with lukewarm water, apply hypoallergenic soap on a cotton pad. Gently wash your brows, in a circular motion to remove any residue. Use a clean moist cotton pad to remove soap. Dab dry with a clean cotton pad.